Frequently Asked Questions
1. How Do I Download, Install & Setup Controls For FDR Logging Mods?
2. Are FDR Logging Mods Available For Console? NO, But Why Not?
3. Can You Teach Me How To Log? How Do I Learn How To Play?
4. Why Are FDR Machines Heavier Compared To Base Game Machines?
5. Why Do You Not Have Any Live Heels On Your Machines?
6. How Do I Contact FDR Logging?
7. Why Do The FDR Attachments Seem To Float Around When Moving?
8. Why Do FDR Machines Not Have Dirt All Over Them?
9. Why Don't You Just Make Your Own Logging Game?
10. Why Do The Logs Jitter And Glitch Out?
11. Why Are The Downloads Saying They Contain A Virus?
12. Help None of The Machines Will Move?
13. What Are Your PC Specs?
14. What Are Your Graphics Settings For The Game?
About FDR Logging
FDR Logging is created and owned by Jordan Chaleil
I first started logging back in Farming Simulator 2013, this is also when I first started my attempts at modding. When Farming Simulator 2015 was released that is when I started really getting deeper into modding and learning how to create equipment.
Over the many years and multiple versions for Farming Simulator I have developed and created hundreds of logging machines and maps for players of the Farming Simulator community.
The large fan base that FDR Logging has gained has also got the attention of many large logging equipment manufacturing companies that have worked closely with me to bring their brands into the game.
I strive to give everyone the best and most realistic logging experience possible. I offer all of my mods for free so that everyone in the community can enjoy the logging experience.